Part-Time Attendance Schedule

Part-time schedule explained:

The first seven weeks of each course is 100% online. Everyone completes this part of the course at the same pace. 

Once you move into the building, full-time students attend Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 5 pm. 

Part-time students attend two days a week, 9 am to 5 pm. EXCEPT your first week of in-house training. 

All students attend full-time, Monday through Thursday, their first week of in-house training. And then part-time students move to their two-day-a-week schedule the second week.


Part-time students will learn the same services and skills as full-time students at the same pace. 

This means that for part-time students, the first two months of their in-house training is very focussed, and then the remainder of their time in the building allows a more relaxed pace of practicing and honing all of their skills. 

Remember, both full-time and part-time students receive the same amount of time and training in the building with our expert instructors. Neither schedule is “better” or “worse,” it just entirely depends on your personal preference and outside of school commitments as to which you will choose. 

Speak with an admissions rep on a campus tour if you have more questions about our full-time vs. part-time schedule. 

Annie at The Aesthetics Institution

The two days you attend your in-person portion of the course is dictated entirely by your online start date. 

Your Online Start Date -> Your In-House Schedule

*EXCEPT for your first week of in-house training. All students attend full-time, Monday through Thursday, their first week of in-house training. And then part-time students move to their two-day-a-week schedule the second week.*

2025 Orientation -> In-House Starts
Jan 10  ->
Mar: Mon & Wed
Mar 7 -> May: Tue & Thu
May 16 -> Jul: Mon & Wed
Jul 18 -> Sep: Tue & Thu
Sep 19 -> Nov: Mon & Wed
Nov 14 -> Jan:  Tue & Thu

Student applying eye mask on model

In 2025, if you start your course in January online, you will move to your in-house portion of the course in March, on Mondays and Wednesdays. You will attend ONLY on Mondays and Wednesdays until you complete the course. 

If you start your course in March online, you will move to your in-house portion of the course in May, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You will attend ONLY on Tuesdays and Thursdays until you complete the course.

And then we switch, for every other online start date. We do this to ensure that we have enough room in our building for students to work comfortably and receive optimal instructor support.