Lead Advanced Esthetics Instructor, LEI, CAEI
For those interested in starting a career in esthetics, it is essential to understand the differences between the scopes of practice for general and advanced estheticians in Oregon.
With this knowledge, you will be better informed while pursuing a career in this exciting and ever-evolving field of skincare.
First, let’s touch on how the advanced esthetics license came into existence in the state of Oregon. In the early 2000s, the beauty industry saw significant advances in esthetics technology as modalities, such as laser services, body contouring, microneedling, and other non-surgical procedures suddenly flooded the market.
The increasing complexity of these procedures also increased the risk of adverse events and complications.
These rapid industry changes prompted the Oregon legislature to realize that a distinction between general and advanced esthetics was needed.
In response, Oregon decided to require more formal regulation and oversight, and in 2015, House Bill 2642 created the Board of Certified Advanced Estheticians. This split esthetics into two esthetic scopes of practice: general and advanced esthetics.
Advanced Esthetics in Oregon encompasses seven different modalities: skin rejuvenation, photo rejuvenation, dyschromia reduction, body contouring, cellulite reduction, permanent hair reduction, and nonablative tattoo removal. Although these services are often offered at Med Spas and are often referred to as “Medical Esthetics, ” the correct term for this host of services in Oregon is Advanced Esthetics.
Once a person completes a general esthetics program and receives their license from the state, they may enroll in and complete an advanced esthetics program if they wish. The Aesthetics Institute offers both general and advanced esthetics at our campus in Portland. General Esthetics, sometimes referred to by the state as Basic Esthetics, is what we call Masters Esthetics at our school.
With additional certifications, Oregon allows general estheticians to perform dermaplaning, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels under their basic license. Oregon is special in allowing three additional services in general esthetics, as many states consider those to be advanced services that require either an additional license or are only allowed to be performed by medical professionals.
The Aesthetics Institute includes all three of these state certifications in our Masters Esthetics program at no additional cost. These are automatically provided because we want our students to be the most skilled estheticians when they graduate from our school.
Simply put, general esthetics is often considered a good fit for those interested in essential skin care maintenance, relaxing facials, waxing, and makeup. With a general esthetics license, the most sought-after estheticians will have a deep understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the skin and will also have the opportunity to expand their knowledge or work in cosmetic chemistry.
Overall, general esthetics services can have more immediate results; however, these results tend to be considered more surface-level and short-lived, as general estheticians are not allowed to penetrate any deeper than the “stratum corneum,” or the outermost layer of the skin, in Oregon.
While general estheticians are restricted to work at this skin depth, advanced estheticians can manipulate skin all the way down to the subcutaneous layer of tissue.
Advanced esthetics might be for you if you want to provide your clients with long-lasting and more dramatic skincare results. It has the opportunity to treat more specific skin conditions, such as acne scarring and uneven skin tone, and signs of aging, such as laxity, fine lines, and wrinkles. We can even target body fat!
Some procedures in advanced esthetics can have more immediate results, but for most services, you will generally find that clients will “look worse before they look better.”
If you want your clients to walk out the door glowing and gorgeous after every service, advanced esthetics may not be for you. However, if you love witnessing the process of truly changing someone’s face, body, and even their life with dramatic results, advanced esthetics may be the right choice for your career.
Both sides of the industry offer ample career opportunities, and estheticians from both programs have gone on to have incredible success in the beauty industry. Ultimately, it’s all about what fits you and your lifestyle and professional goals. The Aesthetics Institute proudly offers general and advanced esthetics programs.
We hope to see you soon!